
Time 2 Loosen Up Blog

The dreaded cramp!!

The dreaded cramp!!

We've all had it happen the dreaded cramp. Lying in bed or sitting still too long and bang, cramp!! So what can we do about it other than suffering? Reasons for cramping: DehydrationChemical imbalanceSleep deprivationMuscle strainsHolding a position too long Cramps...

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Back to the basics

Back to the basics

We all at times have to step back to the basics. What does that truly mean? Well, in short, we all get stagnant at times meaning there doesn't seem to be much going on or we are not feeling like our typical selves. So what can we do about this? Well, its time to get...

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Sore muscles OH no!!

Sore muscles OH no!!

So you have some sore muscles, so what do you do about it?? Well, the first thing we have to figure out is why you have sore muscles. Body aches?Certain muscles are sore?Overtraining?Resting enough?Are you hydrated? Are you feeling ok?? So your having body aches have...

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Who needs to rest??

Who needs to rest??

So, who needs to rest? Well, in short, we all do, the better question is why? The human body is an amazing thing but like all things, rest is a very important part of overall health. On average a person works 8 hours a day, now if we add in a workout and daily...

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Stretching for the desk jockey!!

Stretching for the desk jockey!!

So you've heard it time and time again, stretch as much as you can. What does that mean exactly? Maybe you are not an amateur athlete or professional but are you a desk jockey? The good news is stretching for the desk jockey can benefit everyone, and it's easier than...

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My top 5 ways to RELAX!!

My top 5 ways to RELAX!!

Today I'm going to share my top 5 ways to relax by giving you an example of what I do to decompress. Why do we need to do this? In essence, we need to take the time for ourselves which is this busy world can sometimes seem impossible but I have good news it can!!...

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Anger Management SOLVED!

Anger Management SOLVED!

Let's face it we've all had a bad day or bad time in our lives but is there a way to help this from happening so frequently?? Anger management can be solved... As a therapist, I truly believe that there are multiple levels of anger management and I believe that...

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Do REVIEWS matter??

Do REVIEWS matter??

Reviews, we have all probably read some but do they really matter? Maybe so, maybe not I am simply going to share why I think they matter. Whether for services or products in my humble opinion if you didn't care about quality you would probably pick out the cheapest...

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DRINK more water!!

DRINK more water!!

As summer approaches, water is necessary for hydration. Drinking more water is vital to your body in more ways than you think. If you are a recreational athlete or professional you know how vital water is to your everyday routine. How about the average person though,...

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Alternative Therapies?

Alternative Therapies?

If you a person under a lot of stress whether physically or mentally with your job, you may need to look into alternative therapies. Let's face it, who wants to take pills for every ailment? I know I don't and most times with pills the side effects are worse or more...

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Step away…

Step away…

There are times in life when you simply have no control. You're having a bad week, you're having a bad year as though it seems... Maybe it's time to step away... I recently took a vacation and found myself, still working. This is not usual as I get anxiety from...

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It’s all about height…

It’s all about height…

So in my last blog, we spoke about your seating arrangements, now it's time to talk about height. As I typing this blog I am doing what I suggest you do not. My laptop is sitting in my lap and I am looking down at it as I type. What is this doing well it's producing...

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Seating what’s your best option?

Seating what’s your best option?

Many of us that work behind a desk all day long usually start to have leg or back pain after a certain amount of time. Is the seating you have chosen the best option? Let's face it after a seating behind the desk all day most of us over time start to hurt, whether...

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So you’re stressed…

So you’re stressed…

I have so many clients come in lately only to tell me that they are stressed, having neck and shoulder issues. While this is not uncommon there may be another way to destress in between massages... I want you to think for just a minute about why you're stressed? Is it...

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It’s about passion…

It’s about passion…

So why did I choose to become a massage therapist?  In one word, it's about passion... I have been in the healthcare field for over 20 years now.  Of all the opportunities I could have chosen, helping people has been my passion.  Now that being said I haven't always...

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