
We all at times have to step back to the basics. What does that truly mean? Well, in short, we all get stagnant at times meaning there doesn’t seem to be much going on or we are not feeling like our typical selves.

So what can we do about this? Well, its time to get back to the basics and think about ourselves from time to time. Does this mean you’re being selfish, absolutely not! What you are doing is setting boundaries to get back to yourself.

Think about this with me for just a moment, when was the last time you took time for yourself? Has it been a month, 3 months or more! If you have answered yes to either then you need to invest in yourself. By that, I am telling you its time to invest in your health.

We’re all typically blessed with food and shelter.

The body needs 3 things in my opinion, nourishment, shelter, and a purpose. We are usually blessed with food and shelter but what about our purpose? Do we look forward to everyday activities? Do we enjoy knowing that there is adventure ahead? If the answer is no, then it’s time recharge those batteries and start investing in yourself.

How can we do this?

  • Go for a walk, get some sun, some fresh air.
  • Plan and GO on a vacation!
  • Take a day off of work and do NOTHING.
  • Meet some friends and hang out for the evening, better yet the weekend.
  • Binge-watch your favorite tv programs.
  • Go to the gym and workout.
  • Pamper yourself with a massage, a pedicure, a spa day!

Well, now that you know some ways to get back to the basics the only question is when are you going to start? How about now! Chances are if you are reading this you have a min or so, get up go for a walk or check out some vacation websites. Do one, two or all of these things a refind your purpose in life. Invest in yourself, invest in your health, trust me your body and mind will thank you for it!!

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