
Do you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) card? Can HSA cards pay for your massage? What if I told you that you could use your health care benefits to pay for your massages.

If you are a business owner and you have an HSA card or does your employer offer an HSA benefit. Depending on what kind of HSA you have set up, your massage is a treatment that can be paid for with benefits card.

If your employer or self-funded HSA account allows for massage, it may come with some or no conditions. One condition may be that you have a doctor prescribe that massage is necessary. For most people, this is resolved with a phone call or visit. Sometimes your therapist will have to provide a receipt so that you can submit it to your insurance company for approval. There are times when both the doctor and receipt are necessary to pay for massage services.

The best part about the Health Saving Account is that all of that money is pretax, so you can save money when you have an account. Contact your Human Resources department today to see if they offer HSA accounts. If they do isn’t a few minutes of your time worth it to see if your HSA can pay for massage?

Below is a list of the current employers that offer massage benefits with their HSA cards and no pre-qualification:

  • Florida Southern College
  • FL Dept of Health

If your looking for more tips or suggestions check out my other blogs. As always if you have questions or are ready to schedule a massage give me a call.

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