I will use this site to keep you up on the latest news and benefits of massage therapy, in my at times blunt/comical ways. Please realize that this is supposed to be a fun/informative way for you to see what massage can do to improve your life.
What can Massage do for you? Simply it can relieve stress that you may or may not know you have…
Every day we are introduced to stress in one way or the other. Through the aches and pain as we age, after strenuous activities or our everyday normal lives. What you might not realize is that your stress is also a mental battle that wreaks havoc on your body in so many ways, from that dull aching back to those limbs you can not even move, not including that headache you didn’t even realize you had until the end of the day.
Well, what better way to relieve that stress than to lay down on a heated table and have your stress melted away through a massage.
No massage table or therapist nearby, no problem simply relaxing in a hot bath or hot-tub along with some light stretching can eliminate some of those aches and pains but more than anything rest that weary body and treat yourself to massage as soon as possible!
Your body is a temple, you only have one, treat it well and it will thank you for it! I look forward to discussing situations and if you have any questions or ideas email me.
“Only you can invest in your healthy lifestyle, so invest in massage and invest in your health.”