How do you value yourself? Is a massage too much to invest in yourself? Are you not worth a little downtime?
So most of us take a vacation sometime during the year, whether it is a long weekend, a week or even longer but as we all know we all should invest in MORE me time! So if I told you by taking even one hour twice a month away from your busy schedule to relax would you believe me? Massage has many benefits including but limited to:
- Decreasing stress
- It lowers your blood pressure
- Increasing circulation
- Improving energy levels
- It releases endorphins (the body’s natural pain relievers)
- It increases flexibility
- Improves recovery time and can help to prevent injuries
The list goes on and on, not to mention the fact that you have an hour of uninterrupted time, no phone calls, no distractions and how much is all of that worth. If you’re like many of us just an hour of peace and quiet is very uncommon but what if along with this you could sleep better?
Your work or priorities would get your full attention from a good night’s sleep and we all know that is a bonus along with the fact others will appreciate it too.
What about the benefits of the common/experienced athlete? What if massage could help you recover faster or help to prevent injuries all together? Wouldn’t an hour or 2 investment be worth helping to prevent such things? It is proven by increased circulation via massage that muscles recover faster and can help to prevent muscle cramps/spasms so what do you have to lose?
So if we simply invest in ourselves we can see the value massage brings to our lives. We are important, as a whole the body is mentally and physically under stress every day. Isn’t it worth it to invest just a little bit of our busy lives to ourselves? You are important and we should value ourselves as much as we value those and the material things that we strive for every day.
If you would like to learn more about what massage can do for you please visit my website or find me on Facebook!!