The dreaded cramp!!

The dreaded cramp!!

We’ve all had it happen the dreaded cramp. Lying in bed or sitting still too long and bang, cramp!! So what can we do about it other than suffering? Reasons for cramping: DehydrationChemical imbalanceSleep deprivationMuscle strainsHolding a position too long...
Sore muscles OH no!!

Sore muscles OH no!!

So you have some sore muscles, so what do you do about it?? Well, the first thing we have to figure out is why you have sore muscles. Body aches?Certain muscles are sore?Overtraining?Resting enough?Are you hydrated? Are you feeling ok?? So your having body aches have...
My top 5 ways to RELAX!!

My top 5 ways to RELAX!!

Today I’m going to share my top 5 ways to relax by giving you an example of what I do to decompress. Why do we need to do this? In essence, we need to take the time for ourselves which is this busy world can sometimes seem impossible but I have good news it...

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